If you love deep, thoughtful discussions with amazing peers and researchers, you are in the right place. Here, your input is valued, your ideas are put to work.
¡Hola! Soy Antony, un microbiólogo apasionado dispuesto siempre a hablar del origen de la vida, conceptos de la vida, y más. ¡Siéntete bienvenido y acoge a la astrobiología!
I'm Danna and I like to ask weird questions about science and space. Join me in this journey and let's discover the mysteries of the Universe together.
Ms. Rasheed is an experienced educator in the field of astrobiology. She was the first to bring astrobiology into Pakistani schools, and wrote an astrobiology textbook.
Dr. Gordon Hamilton is a father of two teenagers, an educator and mathematician, and a designer of board games like Santorini as well as MathPickle math puzzles. Welcome, everyone!